The Importance of Place
Recently, I was reminded how important place-based learning or education (PBE) is for students to make meaningful connections within their communities. It gave me a renewed desire to encourage and support this type of learning in Sullivan County and beyond. I want to remind us all what PBE is and why it is important.

The following are excerpts from a publication from Getting Smart and Teton Science Schools about the benefits of Place-based Education.
We’ve all experienced the power of place: those moments when we’re immersed deeply in experiencing the world around us and what’s happening there is real and meaningful. Learning in these moments is organic and visceral. There’s much to learn from the places we inhabit — from traveling across the globe to getting out into our own communities. Yet, formal learning experiences that leverage the power of place remain the exception and not the rule.
"Place-Based Education can take many forms ranging from informal to formal learning, from out-of-school individual/family experiences to teacher-led or school-sponsored activities and from one lesson/project/unit/course to a school fully-designed around a Place Based Education mission. Place-Based Education is a learning strategy that educators can implement in urban, rural and suburban areas. The opportunities are truly endless.” -Tom Vander Ark

Place-Based Education is an approach that connects learning and communities with the primary goals of increasing student engagement, boosting academic outcomes, impacting communities and promoting understanding of the world around us. In addition to these goals, there are many additional benefits to place-based learning experiences. These benefits can impact students, teachers, families, communities and society.
Some Benefits of PBE
Learning is grounded in local communities and contexts.
The learning experience is student-centered and personalized.
Learning is relevant and engaging.
Students can be challenged to see the world through ecological, political, economic and social lenses.
Students can have more agency and autonomy — boosting motivation and persistence.
Social-emotion al learning can be a priority.
Lessons can be inquiry-based.
Instruction can be interdisciplinary.
Design-thinking can be encouraged
Students can meet deeper learning outcomes.
Students can gain better appreciation and understanding of the world around them.

"Imagine a world with Place-Based Education for every child — connecting learning locally, regionally, and ultimately, globally. With multiple opportunities to interact with professionals, design solutions to real challenges, and skills to understand the world through multiple lenses, these students are the citizens the world needs for tomorrow.” -Nate McClennen
Place-based Education is quite simply, learning from and in your community. It can be indoor or outdoors. It is interdisciplinary and uses multiple teaching methodologies. Students are engaged in real, relevant learning.
As an outdoor educator, I encourage you to get your students outside learning in the school yard, at a nearby green space, or bring them on a field trip within the community. Nature is healing and a great place to connect students to place and each other. Want help doing this? Talk to me and I will meet you where you are at and support your goals.
