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Spring Migration Begins

Although we are currently experiencing our usual bouts with false spring in the Northeast, places further south are starting to see spring migration unfold. According to reports on Journey North, hardy spring wildflowers are pushing up out of the ground and monarchs and other butterflies have been sighted along the gulf coast. Waterfowl, songbirds, and hawks are starting or continuing their migration north to breeding grounds. It's only a matter of time before we start seeing and hearing them in our own backyards.

Many migration journeys cover hundreds and even thousands of miles. Some travel by night, some by day, but all must find food, water, and shelter along the way. Most migrations are made up of many waypoints where animals rest and refuel. Healthy waypoints, free of harmful chemicals, pollution, and disturbances are necessary for survival. We usually think of public lands, barrier islands, community gardens, and other conserved areas as the main waystations for birds and butterflies. Those are the places we visit to observe wild animals, but think of all the schoolyards and backyards (and front yards too) that can be safe havens for animals that migrate.

Here are some tips from the American Bird Conservancy that you can take yourself and share with others to help all migrating species:

  • Inspire a future bird conservationist

  • Fuel a Hungry Hummingbird

  • Protect Birds from Cats

  • Make your Yard a Paradise for Spring Migration

  • Turn off the Lights

  • Give Beach Nesting Birds a Break

  • Keep your Woods Wild

  • Buy Bird Friendly Coffee

  • Paint a Window Warning

  • Support Laws that Migrating Animals Can't Live Without

  • Reduce your Plastic Footprint

In honor of the 30th Anniversary of the NH Envirothon Program, the Governor has pronounced 2022 to be The Year of Conservation Education. SCCD challenges everyone to make it a priority to teach yourselves and others about conservation issues in NH this year.

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Sullivan County Conservation District

 95 County Farm Rd. Unity, NH 03743

 603-542-9511 x326

We often give away free cider at the Claremont Chili Fest the first weekend in October at the Visitor's Green. Come see us there!

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