Pollinator Week
What a fun grand opening for the Student Art Exhibition at Saint Gaudens. Families and community members came out to celebrate pollinators with us. Native pollinator plant seed mixes were given out to those who attended. Visitors explored the park with a pollinator focus, searching the multi-colored flower gardens for bees, butterflies, ants, beetles, and flies.

Park volunteer, Jim, an entomologist, shared his knowledge and answered a range of questions about insects in general, while Art Educator, Kelly, helped visitors create their own pollinator out of recycled materials, Air bee and bees (bee hotels), and bee antennae.
Families also searched for pollinators around the Goshen Library. Observations that were captured on cameras were uploaded to the NH Conservation Districts Pollinator Bioblitz on iNaturalist.
There were 1,409 observations made by 204 observers across the state. 492 species were identified. There were 39 observation made by 10 observers in Sullivan County. A bog fritillary was sighted and recorded for the first time in NH on iNaturalist.
Check out what else was recorded during pollinator week and compare between counties here: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/new-hampshire-national-pollinator-week-2022