Place-based Education
We offer a variety of environmental resources and opportunities to help support Sullivan County schools, teachers, and organizations and individuals related to natural resources, conservation, and education.
Our goal is to connect adults and students to our local lands and help everyone develop an appreciation for the beauty that surrounds us that will hopefully lead to a life of stewardship.
We work with many local partners to accomplish this goal. Our work would not be possible without a generous grant from New Hampshire Charitable Foundation's Wellborn Ecology Fund.
Stay connected to Sullivan County programs and resources by signing up to receive our monthly Education and Outreach Newsletter.

Orchard Restoration Science Night
Parents Night Green Up Day
Ecology Night Everything Watershed
Observation Skills Part 3: Into the Forest!
Do you want your students to learn in a natural space near your school or even just in your school yard? We will work with you to meet your educational goals, teach or co-teach lessons in your community, and help you plan events related to natural resources or environmental education to showcase student learning.
Any of these programs can be taught in schools and after school settings as well on county or other public lands. Below are a few examples of school events we have participated in or coordinated.

Do you need someone to consult with and give you advice about what plants to grow where and which ones are best to attract wildlife? We can help out.
We can help you identify an outdoor learning space near your school and teach you how to use it to meet your curricular goals. We can teach you how to use the old apple trees in the school yard to connect to scientists, help you create a nature trail to access the forest, or figure out property boundaries and talk to neighbors. If we don't have the skills, we know who does!
Are you part of a home school group? All of the school programs and field trips are available to be taught to home school students. There needs to be a minimum of 6 students, mixed ages are encouraged. Students 7 and under need adult supervision. We have teach series too. Contact us if you would like us to lead a program for your home school cooperative.
We are happy to participate in and help coordinate community events such as parent nights, ecology nights, and natural resources or outdoor classroom conversations. We have a stream table and soil tunnel that are perfect for these kinds of events.

Unity 7th grade students at Marshall Pond
Bring learning to life for your students! With more than 2100 acres of undeveloped land that includes old farms, cemeteries, forest, fields, streams, and wetlands, Sullivan County provides opportunities for people to connect to the natural world and each other.
The Natural Resources department has created two sites for education on the county lands so far, one at Marshall Pond that connects to Unity Mountain Trail and the other at the County Complex called the Eco Ag Center, which includes a community garden, native pollinator garden, research high tunnels, nature trail, cemetery, pond and stream, and forest classroom.
Enhance your field trip to Sullivan County lands through pre/post lessons taught by or co-taught with the Education and Outreach Specialist at your school. We will work with you to tailor the experience to meet your goals.
The conservation district hosts field trips to county lands for local summer education programs, leads naturalist programs for families and works with community partners to conduct teacher workshops focused on outdoor learning. Check the events calendar for more information.
Any of the programs that happen during the school day can be done after hours too. They usually focus on only one activity and are more focused on exploration.

Sullivan County 4th graders are invited to visit the County Farm and meet farmers, producers, and educators as the learn about agriculture and food systems through hands-on activities and demonstrations.
Monday, May 12, 2025
The Sullivan County Natural Resources Dept, Farm Bureau, Conservation District, NH Ag in the Classroom and UNHCE are bringing this event to you for FREE! Register your class with NH Ag in the Classroom.
Contact Us if you are in need of funds for transportation to and from this event.
Sullivan County welcomes educators and school groups to volunteer through service learning projects. We want to create partnerships where everyone benefits from the experience. We will also provide you with or create curriculum surrounding these projects so you can create a more holistic learning experience for your students. These are just a few of the projects we have come up with, but if you have other ideas for service learning, we want to hear them!
Our Projects
Seed Packet Art Project
Invasive Plant Removal
Water Quality Testing
Create a Valley Quest
Biodiversity Inventory
Pollinator Garden Phenology Project
Mission Monarch

These are great opportunities for high school students to get work experience and enhance their resumes. All internships are based out of the Sullivan County Complex in Unity, NH at the Eco Ag Center.
Pollinator Garden Seed Saver Project
Dates: Sept. - June, 2-4 hours/wk, timing flexible
Duties: Collecting, cleaning, overwintering native pollinator plant seeds, marketing the seed packet art program, creating information and care sheets; weighing and measuring seeds into packets, labeling packets; helping to sell packets.
Trail & Boundary Line Maintenance Dates: Sept - June, 2-4 hours/wk, timing flexible
Duties: Walking the trails & boundaries of Sullivan County Lands with the Natural Resources Director, marking boundaries, upkeep of trail for multiple uses including winter activities. Skills to be developed include orienteering, trail maintenance, and use of GIS mapping.
Seed Packet Art Project
Help us put the culture back in agri-culture as we promote pollinators by submitting a design for the front of our Native Pollinator Seed Packets that will be given to area schools and sold at the SCCD 2026 Spring Plant Sale.
Open to: Sullivan County residents ages 5 to 18 years
Theme: TBD
Mediums: We are looking for a diversity of mediums including but not limited to watercolor, oil, collage, quilting, carving, assemblage, stained glass, etching, seed mosaic, plant material collage, wood burning, etc.
​Submissions: Please watch this page for the next project deadline.
Submission Deadline April 2026.
Works of art will be displayed on the front of the seed packets and the artist information will go on the back. A gallery of all submissions will be put on this website and possibly exhibited at a local venue during the summer.
​Art on seed packets will measure 3 x 4" tall in final form.
Flies imitating bees. Moths imitating hummingbirds, leaves, wasps, and owls. Mantids imitating flowers. Flowers imitating bees. Caterpillars imitating bird poop, snakes, and twigs.

Last year's theme was Mimicry is a strategy that plants and animals use to hide, scare off predators, or lure in prey. Check out these examples of insect and flower mimicry.

We partner with many Upper Valley organizations to bring Place-based Education professional development opportunities to Sullivan County Educators. These include the Wellborn Place-based Ecology Education (PBEE) Institute and Parks for Every Classroom Teacher (PEC) Workshops as well as the Watershed Ecology Institute (WEI) and NH Envirothon Environmental Science Workshop in select years.
Exploration and Engagement.
Learning at it's best!

Education is not preparation for life,
education is life itself.
-John Dewey
Check back for 2025-2026 School Year Opportunities
Upper Valley Teaching Place Collaborative (UVTPC)
The UVTPC is a network of Upper Valley educators working together to advance high-quality place-based ecology education. They share the following vision statement:
All Upper Valley students are deeply engaged in education that
fosters ecological understanding and connection to place.
We are a part of this Collaborative. We are in a revisioning phase. A website and newsletter are forthcoming.

2025 UVTPC Fall Conference
​Save the Date!
November 13, 2025
8:30am -3:30pm
Lake Morey Resort, Fairlee, VT
Come and join other Upper Valley educators and administrators to celebrate place-based and ecological education. In addition to sessions from local professional development providers, educators, and community partners, there will be many opportunities throughout the day to renew and connect with your colleagues as you spend time together learning and immersed in nature.
Meet a powerful network of like-minded educators, be inspired, and leave rejuvenated as you return to implement new ideas in your classroom. Amazing food, a beautiful venue, and connections with colleagues make this an unforgettable day. Participants will receive a certificate of participation for 6 hours of professional development.   