Natural Resources
Conservation of natural resources is important to us. For that reason, we host natural history programs, guided hikes, lectures, and community discussions throughout the year to connect people to the natural world and each other. We provide workshops, consultations and technical assistance for landowners focusing on best practices for conservation in New Hampshire. And we support and are involved with county, regional, and statewide conservation projects.
Check out our projects and programs below and get out and enjoy Sullivan Counties natural resources.

Topics & Projects
Naturalist Series
Programs & Workshops

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.
~Lorax (Dr. Seuss)
Water Health
Soil Health
Cultural Resources
Water Health
Water is essential for the health of people and the environment. We help protect and improve water quality through education programs and projects. If you would like to learn more or get involved with an of the following projects, let us know.
Our Projects
Water Quality Monitoring - Volunteers help us monitor the 5 ponds on County Lands in Unity by testing water chemistry and surveying aquatic life.
Riparian Restoration - We help to procure shrubs at a low cost for organizations and land owners to plant on the banks of local rivers to prevent erosion and reduce flooding. Let us know if you would like help with plantings.

Soil Health

Healthy soil is the foundation for healthy people and ecosystems. We provide workshops and resources for landowners, farmers, and schools to improve soil quality and build healthy soils.
Our Projects
Cover Crops
The SCCD Community Garden keeps the soil covered in unplanted beds and after harvest.
Clean water and healthy soil lead to healthy plants and people. Learn how Plants use Solar Power!
Healthy habitats are important in supporting a diversity of wildlife. We support land owners and organizations to create, improve, and sustain habitats - meadows and edge habitat for pollinators and song birds, stream habitat for fish passage, and forest health for the home it provides a diversity of wildlife.
Our Projects
Grassland Bird Conservation - Groundnesting grassland birds such as bobolinks and savannah sparrows often need protection from agricultural activities. We are actively partnering with farmers to find compromises between the birds habitat needs and working farms.
Pollinator Promotion
Pollinator Garden - We continue to add native plants to our pollinator garden at the Eco Ag Center. We planted common milkweed this year to become a Monarch Waystation and we have a bee house for native bees to overwinter at the garden.
Monarch Monitoring and Tagging - We participate in two citizen science programs, Mission Monarch & Monarch Watch, in which we collect data on the breeding and migratory monarch populations respectively. We also set up monarch observation stations where we raise monarchs at nursing homes, schools, and on our own.
Seed Saving - We save the seeds of the native plants that benefit pollinators, package and sell them at the Spring Plant Sale and give them to local schools & education organizations.
Invasive Plant Control - Japanese knotweed,multi-flora rose and autumn olive are actively being removed from the Eco Ag Center area. We also host workshops to teach others about managing these and other invasive species.
Japanese Knotweed Guide to Control

Street Tree Program

The Sullivan County Conservation District is partnering with local residents through a Street Tree Program in Claremont aimed at increasing shade trees in urban areas.
Street trees:
provide shade
reduce storm water runoff
improve air quality
provide screening and privacy
reduce wind and noise
shelter birds and other wildlife
enhance wildlife habitat, and
increase property values
In 2022, the Street Tree Program, co-led by Claremont resident, Jonathan Nelson, planted 9 native shade trees on Myrtle Street between Pleasant and Pearl Streets. Site suitability was determined in consultation with the Claremont Planning & Development and Public Works Departments.
In 2023, the program focused on Pleasant Street between South Street and Bible Hill Road. Jonathan Nelson and Dakin Burdick co-led the program this year. 22 native trees were planted by homeowners, volunteers, and a local girl scout troop.
The program assists landowners by purchasing and planting street trees at no cost. Trees are planted in front yards facing the street (no side or backyard plantings). Each location is reviewed on a case by case basis. Site suitability is determined by consultation with the Claremont Planning & Development and Public Works Departments. We anticipate the focus for the next few years will be on Broad Street in Claremont.
For more information, please contact Lionel Chute (, 603-542-4891) or Jonathan Nelson (, 802-881-6185)

Programs & Workshops
Become a better naturalist and land steward by learning about the ecology and natural history of the Upper Valley. Workshops and field courses are added throughout the year as funding and staffing allows. All programs meet at the Ahern Building at the Sullivan County Complex on County Farm Rd. in Unity, NH unless otherwise stated.
What topics do you want to learn about?
Let us know!

We partner with Upper Valley Land Trust each year to monitor the breeding and migrating generations of monarchs at Up on the Hill Conservation Area in Charlestown. These are the dates for this year:
Mission Monarch (breeding)
Canceled 2024
Monarch Tagging (migrating)
September 7, 2024
Up on the Hill Conservation Area
Richardson Rd. Charlestown

Take it a Step Further
If you are interested in getting involved with any of these conservation projects or know of some we could help out with, please contact us.
The members of your local Conservation Commission are another great resource if you are interested in what is going on with conservation in your town. You might even consider becoming a member!
We also facilitate Community Conversations related to these topics. If you would like to host one of these discussions, let us know.
Cultural Resources
It is important to understand the history of a place including land-use and cultural history to best manage the land today and for future generations. We strive to maintain the cultural resources on the County Lands and to share the story of these special places with others.
Our Projects
Historic Graveyard Restoration - We partnered with the Sullivan County Natural Resources Dept. and NH Old Graveyard Association (NHOGA) to learn more about restoring the stones in the cemeteries on County Lands. We also inventoried the cemetery. Information from each gravestone is stored on the Find a Grave database.
Valley Quest - We work with schools and Vital Communities to create scavenger hunts that highlight historic, cultural, and natural resources in Sullivan County. Check out the Marshall Pond Quest.

Presentation Topics
Learn all about the life cycles, migration, and habitat of Monarch Butterflies. We will also talk about conservation and land management for supporting monarchs on their migration as well as discuss the newest monarch science. Information about two monarch monitoring programs – Mission Monarch and Monarch tagging – will be shared.

There are over 100 native bees in NH. Learn about the different kinds, their ecology, and how you can promote them through gardening. Then, share your knowledge with others.
The collective actions of people have begun to change major planetary systems in profound and undesirable ways. Crossing tipping points will lead to truly existential challenges for many species, including us. But incorporating ecological principles into our decision-making would reverse this trend and help to maintain the planetary balances we rely on. Join Lionel for a talk about the world's natural systems and the importance of ecological thinking.

Be Here Now
Our Changing Climate
What's the Deal with Microplastics
Manmade Chemicals: PFOAs and PFOs
Agri-Forestry: Wild Edibles, Medicinal plants, Mushrooms, and how to grow food without cutting down a forest.
Responsible Use of Road Salts
Contact us if you would like to schedule any of these talks.