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Fall Plant Sale 

We occasionally host a plant sale in the fall. In past years we sold heirloom apple trees that were good cider making varieties, spring bulbs and alliums (garlic & onions), and perennial flower plants that are great for pollinators and wetland restoration. 

One of the District's goals is to conserve natural resources and we do that by promoting propagation and preservation of native pollinator plants with local genotypes (from local seed). 

Late summer and fall is a great time to plant perennials! The soil is warm, yet the nights are getting cooler, allowing the roots to establish before winter, while not overheating the plant.

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© 2023 by Nature Org. Proudly created with

Sullivan County Conservation District

 95 County Farm Rd. Unity, NH 03743

 603-542-9511 x326

We often give away free cider at the Claremont Chili Fest the first weekend in October at the Visitor's Green. Come see us there!

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