Mourning Cloak
Last fall, I found a brown, spiky chrysalis attached to a wheelbarrow in the community garden. It was hanging of the inside edge and it...

Spring Migration Begins
Although we are currently experiencing our usual bouts with false spring in the Northeast, places further south are starting to see...

Claremont Teachers Begin a Year-long Exploration of Outdoor Classrooms
Dawn was asked to coordinate an Outdoor Learning Track for the Claremont School District (SAU6). This is one of many professional...

Mystery Pollinator
I'm in the garden enjoying the beauty of the flowers and I hear a buzzing sound getting closer. I look around to find out who's making...

Frog Chorus
I love mucking about in the forests in the spring, especially when there are vernal pools nearby. It's usually easy to find the vernal...

Wandering Stars
The first stargazers called anything that was lit up in the night sky a star. The word star comes from the Latin word “Stella” which...

Liken Lichens
What kind of living things can you explore in late fall? Well, we had already checked out leaves multiple times and it was becoming...

Autumn Awe
Awe can be expressed in so many ways. Some people stand speechless taking it all in as they watch a beautiful sunset, others start...

Off the Beaten Path
Nature detectives use all sorts of clues to figure out the story of what's going on with the animals in the woods. A month or so ago, I...

Families Get Outside for Learning
As everyone adjusts to learning and working from home, don't forget what nature can offer during this time. In the Upper Valley, most of...