Spring Migration Begins
Although we are currently experiencing our usual bouts with false spring in the Northeast, places further south are starting to see...
Surprising Discoveries
What makes education fun, exciting, and worthwhile? Many times it stems from the intangibles - a sense of wonder, awe, and discovery....
Snowy Night
A poem by mary oliver Last night, an owl in the blue dark tossed an indeterminate number of carefully shaped sounds into the world, in...
Surprising Discoveries
What makes education fun, exciting, and worthwhile? Many times it stems from the intangibles - a sense of wonder, awe, and discovery....
Sowing Seeds of Joy
Here is a poem written and shared by Petra and Matthew from Fruition Seeds in Naples, NY. It brought some light to my life and so I share...
Get Outside and Learn
One major goal of this newsletter is to inspire our educational community to Get Outside And Learn, so I think it is time to change the...
Claremont Teachers Begin a Year-long Exploration of Outdoor Classrooms
Dawn was asked to coordinate an Outdoor Learning Track for the Claremont School District (SAU6). This is one of many professional...
Teaberry Treats
There are many festive colored berries in the woods this time of year. My favorite is teaberry, Gaultheria procumbens, because it has...
Charlestown Middle Carbonators
We were really excited to start our carbon plot, even in the sticky heat of an early summer day. Usually, during summer break, kids slept...
Joy Renewed
Things that soar - turkey vultures, eagles, monarch butterflies - always make me think of freedom. They look so calm and effortless...