An Ocean in Sullivan County?
For the past 3 years, I have been asking friends about their favorite swimming holes, places they like to cool off in during the hottest...
Students from all over the Upper Valley gathered together this past week at Saint Gaudens to attend their annual STEAM Camp. Dawn brought...
Watershed Ecology Institute Gallery
Teachers from around the state came together to learn about the ecology and health of watersheds and how to map them using ArcGIS tools....
Explore the Great Outdoors this Summer
There are many opportunities for families to enjoy the outdoors together this summer and learn something at the same time. Check out...
Who's lodging in the Pond? Part 2
A week ago, our new field technician, Todd Macomber, told Lionel and I about a place on the Unity Mountain trail near Marshall Pond that...
Who's Lodging in the Pond?
The pond near the Eco Ag Center is coming alive again after a long, cold spring. Baltimore orioles, red-winged black birds, tree...
Outdoors All Year Long
Vilas Middle School and Fall Mountain Regional High School students have been going outside to learn and explore all year long through...
Charlestown Residents Come Together to Preserve Historic Apple Orchard
Over 40 people turned up at the North Charlestown Orchard last weekend to help restore it to its former state. Many were from...
Small Beauties
Most of the time I go hiking, my eyes are focused ahead of me or I'm looking up into the trees. Years of leading long hikes have trained...
Follow the Eyeshine
Have you ever gone out at dusk or after dark with a flashlight and shined it into the woods or the edge of the lawn or bushes in your...