A New Way Forward
A new brief from the Lawrence Hall of Science (LHS) in Berkeley, a science center and leader in developing K-12 science curricula, shows...

Off the Beaten Path
Nature detectives use all sorts of clues to figure out the story of what's going on with the animals in the woods. A month or so ago, I...

Breaking New Trail
Exploring the unknown can be exciting and fun! You never know what awaits when you wander off the path into the untamed forest. This is...

Deer Bones
While marking spots for trees and shrubs to be planted in a riparian buffer at Fruhlings Farm in Claremont last week, I noticed an antler...

Seeds of Hope
While North Charlestown students and teachers are learning and working from home, some dedicated volunteers are still improving their...

The Hope of Spring
Even though snow is currently falling outside my window, I know that spring is on its way. How do I know that? Because I saw some red...

Families Get Outside for Learning
As everyone adjusts to learning and working from home, don't forget what nature can offer during this time. In the Upper Valley, most of...

The Subnivean Zone
As I was looking for tracks and signs of animals in the snowy landscape with Bluff Elementary 5th graders back in January, I noticed a...

Where are the warmest places in a forest?
Did you know that deer mice stay active all winter long? They still have to move through the forest to find food, hide from predators,...

Rich Sunsets
You may have noticed that sunrises and sunsets seem to be more vivid in winter. There are some reason for that! Cooler temperatures...